
The diary is using these words. ' '

転生アーティスト: 中島みゆき,瀬尾一三出版社/メーカー: ヤマハミュージックコミュニケーションズ発売日: 2005/11/16メディア: CD購入: 1人 クリック: 36回この商品を含むブログ (62件) を見るまだ予約してないです。THE FILM of Nakajima Miyuki [DVD]アー…



This sentence from 'early wake up BBS'.


English lesson of Etoile

久しぶりに日本語で書くなぁ。 It's English speech is very important to me. Theとか使わなくても名詞を主語にしていいのでしょうか? 文法の勉強はしたくないのですが,表現する手段が乏しいことにも気づきました。 久しぶりに高校時代のう薄っぺらいテキ…

from Diary of friend

It's very important to me for English speech. > To strong words is 'for English speech' It's English speech is very important to me. > To strong words is 'to me' I think that I selected the first. But 'to me' is very important than 'for 〜…

Disney off-line

I got chikets ticket to Tokyo, and from Toyama by night train . I play 2 days, but next day is which Land or Sea ? I don't know.

Training menu was ・go to gym for walk 15min. ・stretch 10min. ・earo-biki 25min. yesterday.

The diary is using these words. ' ' unknown energetic chiket ticket unknown bed '夜行寝台列車' 'night train, sleeping car?' comming coming unknown until unknown imitate forget word cloth forget word autumn 'energetic' is mean 'I got powerf…

This sentence from 'early wake up BBS'.

I am fine this morning for clearly.


2006年1月27日(金)〜2月24日(金) ▼「夜会VOL.14─24時着 00時発」 (青山劇場) I got checkets ticket for "Arrived 24:00 leave 00:00 of Yakai" ! I msut do find ・・・. 11月16日(水) ●アルバム『転生』発売 (YAMAHA MUSIC COMMUNICATIONS) Than…


I forget the 'サヨナラCOLOR' in Kanazawa. It's screen until 4, Nov . Next chance will be coming ? >>>>>>>>> film.">http://www.cine-monde.com/film.html

I bought cloth of autumn.

I changed of my body recently. So I bought new clothes. It's 4 hour for shirt, pants, etc . I am tired.

The diary is using these words. ' ' bress break, rest, recess cheep cheap dictionary library Etoile put me for wrong words of English.

Go to The University of the Air

I get student's card. It can buy 'MS Soft' to cheep cheap. It's tomorrow. It's to down sun.

Lent to book for dictionary.

When I bress break to work, I will go to dictionary library. I didn't go to dictionary library. Because I was working now.

Let's study .Com Master☆☆.

I study it make MindMap for important words of a little. I writting many words that will to make better MindMap.

Choose buy PC is fun!

When I choose to buy PC, I'm too fun. But I had bought, It past fun hurry. What ?Ex)メディア: この商品を含むブログを見るメディア: この商品を含むブログを見るメディア: この商品を含むブログを見るメディア: この商品を含むブログを見るメディア: …

This sentence from 'early wake up BBS'.

I came to Toyama last night for I was to work. I maybe work today, because it have to end hurry. I will work tomorrow, because it have to end hurry.

Work and education

I stay for three days in Nagaokakyo of Kyoto. I tired very well. So I'm to sleep early. Good night.

The diary is using these words. unknown ' 'explanation' is mean 'teach for it'


Today is very fine . Maybe tomorrow is, too. I will go to company by bicycle for 15 min.

Let’s go to that’s place !

The diary is using these words. unknown secondarily unknown thirdly unknown fourthly unknown fifthly unknown sixthly unknown errata unknown slip rose lose misstake mistake 'errata' is mean 'many erratum' 'erratum' is mean 'a mistake in a b…


My BlogPet is talking. It's Japanese. why I don't to teach my pet for Japanese? I had not taught my pet Japanese. Why ・・・?

English is easy

I think English is easy. Because I have misstake mistake everyday. So It's not afraid.


I was to work very hard. But I don't tired, so I will to strong costration concentrate. And I can stop to work before down of mine. It's very important. I think to save my health than work.

Let's study .Com Master☆☆, too today!

I entry done. After is do it. First, it photoreading. secondarily,errata slip is checked. Thirdly, make a mindmap of keywords. Fourthly, Fifthly, Sixthly, Why I don't to write '.Com Master★★', so It's mean lose.NTTコミュニケーションズイン…

The diary is using these words. unknown concentrate unknown specification unknown regrettable unknown cloudy unknown repair unknown estimate unknown near - nearly fair fire unknown ashamed exsample example unknown drill 'concentrate' is me…


I work at 21:00 today. I make specifications of system explain. But I will hope go to home at 19:00, because I study .Com Master☆☆ .